As you can see from the chart, each time you eat... You stop your body from burning fat. So when you're eating 3 times a day... You stop the fat-burning process 3 times a day. But if you only eat twice? You'd actually burn more fat because you're not spiking your insulin as often. This is why "advice" like eating 6 small meals a day... Or eating often to speed up your metabolism is WRONG. Because the more you eat... The less time you spend in fat-burning mode. So what should you do? Instead of eating first thing in the morning... Go as long as you can without eating. For example, let's say the last time you ate was at 8 pm the previous night. In that case, you'd try to wait until 10 to eat. Then, the next week you'd try holding out until 11 am. And the next week, you'd try holding out until 12 pm. And so on. The goal is to not eat for 20 hours out of the day... And only give yourself a 4-hour eating window. I know it sounds like you'd be starving... But the truth is? You won't be. Why? Because your body becomes efficient at burning stored fat for fuel. And instead of releasing hunger hormones to get energy from food... Your body will pull energy from your stubborn body fat. The good part is... Once you get down to a 4-hour eating window... You can eat whatever you want and still burn fat. Now, I'm not saying that you should eat pizza or donuts every day... I'm saying that you can eat more of your favorite foods without worrying about gaining weight. Plus, this strategy also helps with things like insulin sensitivity... Reducing inflammation... And improving brain function. Amazing, right? So... The bottom line is: Stop eating breakfast. And try to go 20 hours in between meals. Not only will you lose weight (many people have reported losing 40-50 lbs just from doing this) But you'll have a lot more energy and focus throughout the day. Have a blessed day. -John Carlisle P.S. Someone asked me once:
"Will eating 4 hours a day cause nutrient deficiencies?" And that's a great question. Here's my answer: It depends. If you're not eating enough fruits or vegetables during that 4-hour period, then yes, you will be deficient. But that's why I like to ensure I'm getting all the 102 vitamins and minerals I need by taking Sea Moss Advanced. |
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