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Watch "Goodyear is not a good neighbor" on YouTube

Watch "Jill Biden's ex-husband: The Joe and Jill Biden love story is 'an absolute lie'" on YouTube


Watch "Never forget, bengazi." on YouTube

Watch "soak" on YouTube

Watch "best pizza 🍕 ever" on YouTube

FW: Undeliverable: Local investors Cody Foster and Dave Sandir have teamed up to renovate the AT&T building at 220 S.E. 6th Ave. Upon completion, the building - which they plan to rename 220 Topeka -

Local investors Cody Foster and Dave Sandir have teamed up to renovate the AT&T building at 220 S.E. 6th Ave. Upon completion, the building - which they plan to rename 220 Topeka -

The downtown AT&T building is getting a $15M remodel. Here’s what investors have planned. - from The Topeka Capital-Journal

FW: Daily Briefing: Lesser known presidential candidates pitch small-town values and law