Every Monday morning, I write down 3 random thoughts and reflect on them. This is something I've been doing since my prison days. This little ritual helps me step back and reflect on things before I start my week. Let's see if it does the same for you. So with that said... Let's jump into the first thought on my mind this morning... 1. Your goals need a why I used to set goals just to set goals. But when I look back at all the goals I've hit... The only goals I reached are the ones that actually mattered to me. The ones that had a real why or purpose behind them. But again, not just any purpose... A purpose that mattered to ME. And the same is true for you. If you don't have a purpose behind your goals that matters to you... I guarantee you won't hit them. However, if you get clear on WHY it is you want to achieve something... Your chances of reaching those goals are 10x higher. 2. Know the difference between quitting and giving up. Quitting is when you stop something. And you do NOT want the end result. But giving up is when you stop something even though you still want the end result. In other words... Giving up means you aren't willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. And in life, you don't want to be someone who gives up. You want to be a quitter. For example: If you were to quit smoking, that would be a good thing. But what you don't want to do is give up. Never, ever give up. 3. Stop resisting When you think about it, we're always faced with two options in life: Either resist or surrender. Now, resisting is easy. You can resist your past, your present, and your future. But the problem is that resisting can cause us to feel pain, shame, and guilt. On the flip side, when you let go of that resistance... And surrender to the present? You can find lasting joy, peace, and love. Not only that, but you can be 100% present and intoxicated with life. You're not worried about the future. You don't care about the past. Instead, you can just take in the now. And you can be grateful to God for the things you DO have in your life. Yes, it might not always be easy to face our demons. But it's a LOT easier than trying to resist them and living with that pain our entire life. Anyways... That's all for you today. What's on your mind today? Reply and let me know. Have a blessed day... -John Carlisle |
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