Every Monday morning I write down 3 random thoughts and reflect on them. This is something I've been doing since my prison days. This little ritual helps me step back and reflect on things before I start my week. Let's see if it does the same for you. So with that said... Let's jump into the first thought on my mind this morning... 1. Why do so many Americans struggle with Metabolic Syndrome? This week I'm starting my annual "carb cut." Each year around this time, I cut carbs from my diet to lose the spare tire around my waist. I've been doing this for the last 5 years. And not only does this work to lose weight... But it's also stopped the vicious cycle of metabolic syndrome that's plagued my family for generations. That's right, my entire family struggles with some form of metabolic syndrome. And by simply cutting carbs from my diet... I've been the end of the line for this deadly disease. But I had to wonder... Why has my family let metabolic syndrome wreak havoc on their health? Which leads me to the second thought of the morning... 2. Metabolic syndrome comes from not understanding how our body works. When I talk to my family about their health, it's clear they have no idea why their health is in the dumps. I'd even go as far to say... They have no idea what metabolic syndrome is. And in case you don't know... Metabolic syndrome is when you struggle with at least 3 of the following: - A waist larger than 40 inches (for men) and 35 inches (for women) - High blood pressure - High blood sugar - High triglycerides - Low HDL cholesterol And like I said, it's because they lack the knowledge to understand what causes it. The crazy part? All of the above conditions can be linked back to one thing. And what's that? Well, I'm going to tell you in the third thought this Monday morning. 3. Insulin resistance is the core of bad health. In other words... CARBS. Let me quickly explain. Now, when you eat carbs... Especially bad carbs... It spikes your glucose levels. Insulin's job is lower your blood sugar levels. The problem? Over time, your cells no longer respond to insulin. You see, your body uses sugar from your bloodstream to make energy. This energy conversion happens inside your cells. And insulin is what tells your cells to convert sugar into energy. But when your cells are "insulin resistant"... Your blood sugar stays elevated with no way to stabilize it. So what does your body do? Make more insulin. Which only makes your cells even more resistant. It's a never-ending cycle. But that's not all. Where do you think all this sugar goes? That's right, to your stomach... Storing as hard-to-lose stubborn belly fat. All of this happens from eating bad carbs like sugar, rice, breads, and pasta. I can talk about carbs for days. But let me stop before I get carried away. That's all for this Monday. Have a blessed day... -John Carlisle |
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