Boosting your metabolism and dissolving pounds of fat off your waistline is simple... Just eat less than your body burns, right? Well, not exactly. The truth is... It doesn't matter how little you eat. Because if your "metabolism gland" isn't functioning as it should... Losing weight is nearly impossible. What is your "metabolism gland"? I'm talking about your Thyroid. See, your thyroid regulates your metabolism. It sends T3 and T4 hormones to control how fast your body turns food into fuel... And how much energy you have. But when your thyroid is stressed and drained... It stops making enough T3 and T4 to communicate with your metabolism... Which causes your metabolism to slow wayyy down. So if you've tried extremely restrictive diets in the past and didn't see much weight loss... This is most likely WHY. Your thyroid isn't producing the hormones you need to boost your metabolism... And convert your stubborn fat into energy. The question is: How can you recharge your thyroid to make more T3 and T4... So you can boost and revitalize your metabolism... naturally? There are a few ways. But the two most important are... 1) Low-impact exercise (like walking, swimming, cycling, etc) 2) Nutrition First, how can something as simple as walking boost your metabolism? Exercise requires energy. And when your body needs more energy... It stimulates the thyroid gland to produce more T3 and T4 hormones. And you don't have to go to the extreme either. Some studies showed that even low-impact cardio like walking, cycling, and swimming, can improve thyroid activity. So if you're not getting at LEAST 5,000 steps a day... I suggest you start because that's an easy way to kick your thyroid back into "high gear." Now... How can you boost your metabolism through your nutrition? Simple: Just give your thyroid the main nutrient it needs to make T3 and T4. What is it? Iodine. Iodine isn't something your body produces on its own... It's a nutrient we can only get from iodine-rich foods. The problem is... Most of our foods are sucked dry of the nutrients our thyroid needs... Because our foods are mass-produced and grown in soils that are loaded with chemicals. The solution? Organic, hand-picked Peruvian sea moss. Sea Moss contains every nutrient and mineral you need to restore your thyroid's proper functioning. In fact, it's one of the best sources of iodine on the planet... Which is probably why many of our customers report losing 10 lbs or more in the first month of taking Sea Moss Advanced. Like Shavona, who said: "I lost 10 lbs after my first bottle and 30 lbs after 3 months!" The bottom line is: Daily exercise and iodine-rich foods are the keys to boosting a sluggish metabolism. Have a blessed day... -John Carlisle |
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