DOK kicks off new season September 7 The Order of the Daughters of the King, Grace Chapter, will meet Saturday, September 7, 9:30 a.m. in the Bubb Room. This is the beginning of their new year. The Daughters will meet for planning and discussing their Chapter and the plans for the year. All women of Grace Cathedral are welcome to visit or join. The Order of the Daughters of the King is a religious order for women of the Episcopal Church and those in communion with the Episcopal Church. For more information please contact Jackie Sommers at, Vanessa Hill at , Jan Buckley at or Sharon Highberger at Adult Forum classes resume September 8 We invite you to join us in All Saints Hall Sundays at 9:30 a.m. for our Adult Forum classes, which will begin September 8 with "Walking the Episcopal Beat." Find out more about the church's official news agency, Episcopal News Service, from Cathedral member Melodie Woerman who is a freelance reporter for ENS. She also will share some of the stories she's written that are especially meaningful. Other classes in September will include "Relationship with Church and State," with the Reverend George Wiley; and "Wine and Religion," with Dean Torey Lightcap. (Samples of both will be provided during the 8:30 and 10:30 services!) Senior Saints luncheon, Wednesday, September 11 Join us for social time at 11 a.m., followed by a catered lunch at 11:30 in All Saints Hall. The guest speaker will be Cathedral member Larry Wolgast on the topic, "Steamships, covered wagons and a Stone Fort. How German immigrants crossed the plains to settle in Kansas." There's a sign-up sheet on the west side table in the Cathedral or you can RSVP by email. A $10 donation is appreciated for the lunch. The deadline to RSVP is August 11. Sharing Table donations All Sharing Table items have been given out and need to be restocked prior to the first Saturday of September. Here's what is needed: Socks, shampoo, deodorant, bar soap/body wash, band-aids, toothpaste, toothbrushes (soft have been requested), lip balm, body lotion, sunscreen, can openers, pain reliever, feminine products, gently used belts & shoes, razors, shaving cream. Donations can be placed in the Sharing Table box located on the shelf in the back hallway, or taken to the Cathedral office. Ride sharing We are currently exploring the level of need for helping get people to church who would otherwise be unable to attend in person. On the table by the west door in the Cathedral, you'll see separate forms for those who need rides and those who might be able to help. These can be filled out and placed in the nearby basket. We've also sent questionnaires to homebound parishioners by mail. | | Sacred Ground course this fall | | A Diocese of Kansas Sacred Ground circle is available on Zoom again this fall, with openings for 12 participants. Sacred Ground is a step in "Becoming Beloved Community" — a long term commitment to racial justice, healing and reconciliation by the Episcopal Church. Sacred Ground is a series of 11 conversations around race, based on materials to be read and viewed in advance. The readings and videos are accessed online; sessions meet weekly on Zoom. Kay and LeRoy Dagg will co-facilitate a Sacred Ground circle which will begin meeting on Tuesday evenings, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. The first session will be be on September 3, with the final session on November 26. The group will not meet on September 10, nor on Election Day, November 5. Sacred Ground Zoom sessions meet weekly for 90 minutes. All are welcome to join; participation is not restricted to Episcopalians, nor to Kansans. There is no fee for anyone to participate in Sacred Ground. There are two required books: Waking Up White (and Finding Myself in the Story of Race) by Debby Irving, and Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman. Several copies of the books are available to check out from the Grace Cathedral/BKSM library. Find more information about Sacred Ground at the Episcopal Church's website — Sign up to participate, or send your questions about Sacred Ground to the Daggs at or | | Cathedral to host baby shower! You are invited to join us for a baby shower for Viktoriia and Denys Ivakh, a Ukrainian couple who moved to Topeka in early August. Their baby boy is due in late September. The baby shower will be in All Saints Hall on Sunday, September 8, from 1-2 pm. The couple is registered at Target. You can use this QR code to access their registry. There will be many Ukrainian folks attending, and this will be a wonderful opportunity to welcome and visit our new friends. | | Vote Faithfully Election Engagement Toolkit Getting souls to the polls isn't just about casting our own vote but helping everyone eligible vote faithfully. We can empower every voice in our congregations in this work. There are A LOT of resources, ideas, and ways to act captured on this page. Doing election engagement well does not mean taking on everything there is to do and being overwhelmed. Effective election engagement begins with looking at what your community's needs are, what resources, skills, and interests you and your church have, and then proceeding based on how that capacity can help meet those needs. For some, this may be offering your parish as a polling site, for others it may mean election worker recruitment. For many it's persistent messaging in newsletters and bulletin boards, for others it's organizing child care on voting days. Whatever your path, we hope you are inspired to do more as a faithful Episcopalian modeling healthy and constructive civic engagement. All election engagement work must be non-partisan, and please heed local laws, election details, and Episcopal safe church practices as you promote voting. Download the Vote Faithfully Election Engagement Toolkit from the Episcopal Church here. | | | | | August 31 8:30 a.m., Saturday Sandwich Ministry (ASH kitchen) September 1 8:30 a.m., Spoken Service of Holy Communion (Cathedral) 10:30 a.m., Club Jesus for children (Sloan Hall) 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion with organ (Cathedral) 5:00 p.m., Youth Group September 2 - Labor Day Office closed September 3 9:00 a.m., Morning Prayer (St. Mary's Chapel) 3:30 p.m., Staff meeting (Bubb Room) September 4 11:30 a.m., Stephen Ministry (Robyn Room) September 5 7:30 a.m., Men's Study Group (Bubb Room) 9:00 a.m., Morning Prayer (St. Mary's Chapel) 10:30 a.m., Centering Prayer (Robyn Room) 5:30 p.m., Handbell rehearsal (Room 211) 7:00 p.m., Choir rehearsal (Choir Room) September 7 8:30 a.m., Saturday Sandwich Ministry (ASH kitchen) 8:30 a.m., Blessing Bag and Sharing Table distribution (ASH) 9:30 a.m., Daughters of the King (Bubb Room) 1:00 p.m., Northwest Convocation meeting (ASH) September 8 8:30 a.m., Spoken Service of Holy Communion, Rite I (Cathedral) 9:30 a.m., Adult Forum (ASH) 10:30 a.m., Club Jesus for children (Sloan Hall) 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion, Rite II, with organ (Cathedral) 1:00 p.m., Baby shower for Ukrainian couple (ASH) 5:00 p.m., Youth Group | | Worship opportunities with Grace Cathedral | | | In-person Services - We offer two Sunday services of Holy Communion: 8:30 (spoken only) and 10:30 (with music). Nursery care is available for the 10:30 service.
- Morning Prayer is held each Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m., in St. Mary's Chapel.
Live-streaming online service Our 10:30 Sunday service will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel: Compline Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 p.m., on the Cathedral's Facebook page: | | Find it on the website Here are some links to make things a bit easier to find on the Cathedral website: | | | | |