Urgent Inquiry Regarding Allocation of Sales Tax Funds

Rich coming for a guy who owes almost $7Million in back takes.


Wheatfield has sale tax funds - $1.6 Milling in recapture


From: Jim Klausman <Jklausman@midwest-health.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 1:28 PM
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Urgent Inquiry Regarding Allocation of Sales Tax Funds



Not sure what you are talking about, but in reading what you sent me, it looks like the half cent sales tax went toward the improvement on Fairlawn road, widening and new lights. It did not go the project. The same could be used for your client on Topeka Ave. And nobody paid us anything up front, seems like all you do is want a hand out. Like I said yesterday, it's how you get to the finish line. Your client can take advantage of the same program we did, but like us, nobody is just going to give you money up front. Henry, I'm done with you, please don't call me again.


Jim Klausman, CEO

Midwest Health

3024 SW Wanamaker Rd. Suite 300

Topeka, KS 66614

office: 785-272-1535





From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 12:03 PM
To: Jim Klausman <Jklausman@midwest-health.com>
Subject: Fwd: Urgent Inquiry Regarding Allocation of Sales Tax Funds




You looked me in the eye and said you did not get JEDO $'s


$1.6 M


recapture at 29th and Fairlawn


You are too big a deal not to tell the truth. 



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Fwd: Urgent Inquiry Regarding Allocation of Sales Tax Funds
To: Cook, Kevin <kevin.cook@snco.us>
Cc: Aaron Mays <aaron.mays@snco.us>, Bianca Bantleon <biancamcclure7@gmail.com>, Governing Body <governingbody@topeka.org>, City Clerk <cclerk@topeka.org>, Tabitha Pusch <Tabitha.pusch@snco.us>, Quinn, Tomari <tquinn@cjonline.com>, <klately@cjonline.com>




This needs to be in order today. This is not following the law or the will of the voters.  Go Topeka is your contractor - Can you get where $643,259 was doled out in grants and scholarships? 



DEAR JEDO board - if he won't ask the question, will someone? 


I'm afraid that's not the right use for the sales tax money. 





Go Topeka 


Sales Tax Grant

 $                    5,000,000.00

Total Expenses

 $                    3,369,613.00



 $                    1,630,387.00




-------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Urgent Inquiry Regarding Allocation of Sales Tax Funds
To: Molly Howey <mhowey@gotopeka.com>
Cc: City Clerk <cclerk@topeka.org>, Tabitha Pusch <Tabitha.pusch@snco.us>, Governing Body <governingbody@topeka.org>, Cook, Kevin <kevin.cook@snco.us>, Bill Riphahn <bill.riphahn@snco.us>, Aaron Mays <aaron.mays@snco.us>


Please bring the list to tonight's meeting. 


Dear Molly, 

I am writing to express my concerns and seek clarification on the allocation of funds through the interlocal agreement that diverts sales tax to JEDO, particularly in the context of grants and scholarships. 

Upon reviewing the financial disbursements, it has come to my attention that Go Topeka, and its subsidiary JEDO, has allocated a substantial amount exceeding $650,000 towards grants and scholarships. While the pursuit of community betterment is admirable, I am struggling to comprehend how this aligns with the intended purpose of the sales tax diversion as outlined in the interlocal agreement. 

In light of this, I kindly request access to the list of individuals or entities who have received grants and scholarships through these funds. Understanding the recipients and the criteria used for allocation will provide much-needed clarity on the impact and reach of these financial disbursements. 

Furthermore, I would appreciate the opportunity to review the memorandum, letter, or amendment to the interlocal agreement that grants Go Topeka or JEDO the authority to distribute funds in this manner. A clear understanding of the legal foundation for such actions is essential for maintaining public trust and ensuring that the allocation of funds aligns with the intended purpose outlined in the agreement. ,

I believe that open dialogue and transparency are key to fostering a trusting relationship between the community, its representatives, and organizations entrusted with public funds. Your prompt attention to this matter would not only address the concerns raised but also contribute to a more transparent and accountable process. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 





Henry McClure 

Time kills deals




Henry McClure 

Time kills deals




Henry McClure 

Time kills deals

