Fwd: Fw: Travelers demo

a matter of record 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Fw: Travelers demo
To: mcre1.mcre13@blogger.com <mcre1.mcre13@blogger.com>

From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 1:11 PM
To: Bryan Wheeles <bwheeles@topeka.org>
Cc: Michael Cross <mcross@topeka.org>; Brenda Younger <BYounger@topeka.org>
Subject: Fw: Travelers demo
Can we fill the JEDO meeting with TBD that would like to see the Travelers remove 

Tonight @ 6 pm 

Show of force  (I would email every officer if I had the list) 

Henry McClure "live"
3625 SW 29th Street 
#100 @ mcre
Topeka KS 66614

Time Kills Deals 

From: Brenda Younger <BYounger@Topeka.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 11:17 AM
To: 'Henry McClure' <mcre13@gmail.com>
Cc: Divyesh Patel <Devkin12@hotmail.com>; Tyler Wible <wible.pd@gmail.com>; City Clerk <cclerk@Topeka.org>; City4 <City4@Topeka.org>; City4TV <City4TV@Topeka.org>; Department Directors <DepartmentDirectors@Topeka.org>; Mary Feighny <mfeighny@Topeka.org>; Betty Greiner <betty.greiner@snco.us>; Curt Niehaus <Curt.Niehaus@snco.us>; Cyndi Beck <cyndi.beck@snco.us>; Jane Rezac <jane.rezac@snco.us>; Jennifer Laudermilk <jdlaudermilk@gmail.com>; Jim Crowl (james.crowl@snco.us) <james.crowl@snco.us>; Kris Otto <Kris.Otto@snco.us>; Stephany Kuhlman <Stephany.Kuhlman@snco.us>; Susanne Oliva <Susanne.Oliva@snco.us>; Tabitha Pusch <Tabitha.pusch@snco.us>; aaron.mays@snco.us <aaron.mays@snco.us>; Bill Riphahn <Bill.Riphahn@snco.us>; Governing Body <governingbody@topeka.org>; Kevin Cook <Kevin.Cook@snco.us>; Ashley Gilfillan <ashley.gilfillan@topekapartnership.com>; Ashley Lehman <Ashley.lehman@topekapartnership.com>; Bob Ross <bob.ross@topekapartnership.com>; Cynthia Kraus <cindy.kraus@topekapartnership.com>; Glenda Washington <glenda.washington@topekapartnership.com>; India Yarborough <india.yarborough@topekapartnership.com>; Molly Howey <molly.howey@topekapartnership.com>; Stephanie Moran <stephanie.moran@topekapartnership.com>
Subject: RE: Travelers demo

Mr. McClure,


Line 37 of the attached JEDO Operational Rules state:

Additions to AgendaItems may be added to the agenda by any voting member, subject to the approval of at least four voting members.


Thank you.


From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 10:15 AM
To: Matt Pivarnik <matt.pivarnik@topekapartnership.com>; Aaron Mays <aaron.mays@snco.us>; Brett Kell <bkell@topeka.org>; Michael Padilla <mpadilla@topeka.org>; Divyesh Patel <Devkin12@hotmail.com>; Tyler Wible <wible.pd@gmail.com>; Brenda Younger <BYounger@Topeka.org>
Cc: Bill Riphahn <bill.riphahn@snco.us>; Tony Emerson <temerson@topeka.org>; Neil Dobler <neil.dobler@bartwest.com>; Hannah Naeger <hnaeger@topeka.org>
Subject: Re: Travelers demo


This message originated from outside your organization


For the record - voice recognition and no glasses are my best excuse for lack of proof reading mt email (thanks Tyler) 



Can we add the travelers demo job to tonight's JEDO agenda?.


How does as a citizen of Shawnee county address a JEDO meeting directly and not have to go through your contractor.


Please review the interlocal agreement 





Henry McClure "live"

3625 SW 29th Street 

#100 @ mcre

Topeka KS 66614


Time Kills Deals 

From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:22 AM
To: Matt Pivarnik <matt.pivarnik@topekapartnership.com>; Aaron Mays <aaron.mays@snco.us>; Brett Kell <bkell@topeka.org>; Michael Padilla <mpadilla@topeka.org>; Divyesh Patel <Devkin12@hotmail.com>; Tyler Wible <wible.pd@gmail.com>
Cc: Bill Riphahn <bill.riphahn@snco.us>; Emerson Tony <temerson@topeka.org>; Neil Dobler <neil.dobler@bartwest.com>; hnaeger@topeka.org <hnaeger@topeka.org>
Subject: Travelers demo


Can we add the travelers demo job to tonight's ghetto agenda?.




Can some elected official that's in favor of the project? Bring this up during the meeting.




How does as a citizen of shawnie county? I should be able to address a ghetto meeting directly and not have to go through your contractor.


This is a case where you make up the rules senior


Topeka Kansas is better off without the travelers motel hotel on the face of this Earth..

Henry McClure  
sent from mobile 📱
time kills deals

Henry McClure 
Time kills deals
