Sent: Monday, June 3, 2024 2:42 PM
To: <>
Cc: City Clerk <>; Bonnie Williams <>
Subject: KORA Request 053124
Mr. McClure,
I was passed on the following request as an open records request.
The county has failed to collect all your specials.
Why have you not foreclosed on your own?
Henry McClure
The open records act is about providing access to specific records not answering questions. I am trying to ascertain if we have a responsive record but without more information about what record you are trying to seek, that is not possible.
Cities do have the ability in statute to hold a tax sale if the County is not holding county wide tax sales under KSA 79-2801(c) of the Kansas statutes but the intent of that statute has been that a city only steps into the role of the county if the county has abrogated its duty to hold a tax sale. Our county does hold annual tax sales. The county is the administrative arm of the state and the correct body to hold these.
I am unaware of any conversations about the city holding its own tax sale. Can you help me narrow down a timeframe or where you think the conversation occurred?
Thank you,
Amanda L. Stanley
City Attorney
City of Topeka
215 SE 7th St
Topeka KS 66603
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