Fw: 3167 SE 10th / Resers

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3167 SE 10th St #2.pdf 15.5 MB
3167 SE 10th St.pdf 44.3 MB
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From: Michael G Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 8:54 AM
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Subject: FW: 3167 SE 10th / Resers

Henry – Jenny got me this permit information from the 1990 permits.  It contains a few sheets from the plans but not all.  We did not keep building plans for permits during this period.  I perused the information but didn't examine it closely, and not sure you will find it that helpful.   I suggest you look at page 345 of the second file. 


Give me a call if you have any questions. 


Mike Hall, AICP

Land Use Planning Manager

Planning & Development Department

City of Topeka





From: Jenny Taylor
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 8:43 AM
To: Michael G Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Subject: RE: 3167 SE 10th / Resers



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3167 SE 10th St #2.pdf

15.5 MB

3167 SE 10th St.pdf

44.3 MB

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This everything I found, as far as old files, for Resers. It looks like there are some plan sheets scanned in. Let me know if you need anything else.



Jenny Taylor

Permit Specialist / Administrative Officer


620 SE Madison St Unit 6

Topeka, KS 66607-1118


Office: (785)368-3704

Email: jtaylor@topeka.org




From: Michael G Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 8:11 AM
To: Jenny Taylor <jtaylor@topeka.org>
Subject: 3167 SE 10th / Resers


Good morning.  According to the county appraiser, this building was built in 1991.  There are numerous permits in more recent years in cityworks.  Do you know if and how I can find the 1990-1991 permit information, including building plans? 


Mike Hall, AICP

Land Use Planning Manager

Planning & Development Department

City of Topeka


