Fw: Deerbrook Sub / Prairie View golf course re-plat

From: Michael G Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 5:39 PM
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Cc: Travis Haizlip <thaizlip@cfse.com>
Subject: Deerbrook Sub / Prairie View golf course re-plat

Henry – a few weeks ago I met with you and Rick Farrant and he showed me a concept for a 6-lot plat – attached to this email. 


As I said then, if this is reduced to 5 lots with no new public streets, the City can approve it as a minor plat upon finding it is consistent with the long rang plan (LUGMP).  I discussed the concept with the director and can conclude that it looks like the City can approve it (provided it does not exceed 5 lots, each lot has frontage on a public street, and each lot has a minimum of 20 acres). 


I am copying Travis at CFSE on this email as he and I had discussed it just prior to our meeting. 


Please contact me if you have any questions. 


Mike Hall, AICP

Land Use Planning Manager

Planning & Development Department

City of Topeka


