Please review - how fights here -


To whom it may concern;

I moved to Kansas in February 2024 and looked for small house to buy for myself because the prices were a fraction of what they were in Fort Worth Texas, where I am from. I found a house within my means and sat down with Dennis Stafford to buy it. I gave him $10,000 for an owner purchase home in late March. I moved 
on April 1

Right away there were serious malfunctions of basic utilities. The bathtub had no spout or handles, there was a problem with the bathroom vanity rotted underneath, the kitchen, plumbing, and all the drains were blocked up and half the electrical was not functioning.

I immediately spoke to Dennis Stafford who sent over his contractor Chris and Carol who refurbished the house to begin with. They were to come back and finish. 

At this time August 5, the sewer has not been repaired, the plumbing and sewer is not fixed. I’m slowly being exposed and my living is impeded.  No bueno 

