Fwd: In Memoriam: Seth Bloom

Henry McClure  
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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marisol from CWB <maggie@clownswithoutborders.org>
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2024, 10:26 AM
Subject: In Memoriam: Seth Bloom
To: <mcre13@gmail.com>

Dear Henry,

We have recently learned of the passing of circus artist, theater-maker, and humanitarian clown Seth Bloom. 

Although Seth was not a CWB clown, his work in the field of humanitarian circus exemplified CWB's values of artistic rigor, cultural humility, playfulness, generosity, and care. 

Seth's life, spirit, artistry, and pedagogy have had a tremendous impact on me, on our field, and on so many members of our clowning community. 

As a community, we are deeply saddened by this loss. We also remain grateful for the poetry, play, and laughter that Seth brought into the world. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and loved ones.

We recommend you read this touching TYA/USA tribute or the NYTimes obituary to learn more about Seth and his legacy.


Marisol Rosa-Shapiro

CWB Board Member

Clowns Without Borders | 645 Queen St SW | Atlanta, GA 30310 US

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