Molly is Santa Claus with our tax dollars


Please explain how all the gifts, grants, and scholarships [project Santa Claus] are economic development.

Please send the minutes of the Go Topeka meeting where you amended the interlocal agreement. 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Molly Howey <>
Date: Thu, May 16, 2024 at 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: Why
To: Henry McClure <>



Matt shared your voicemail with me. The request you've made regarding the sewer line for Pizza Hut does not fit within our incentive guidelines. Our incentives are structured to support companies who are primary employers or small  businesses and Pizza Hut is neither.


Be sure to reach out when you have a future deal we may be able to assist with like we did with Mainline.


Thank you,





My work hours may differ from yours. Please don't feel obligated to reply outside of yours.


Molly Howey, CEcD

President, GO Topeka

C: 785.231.4707

719 S Kansas Ave., Suite 100, Topeka, KS 66603



From: Henry McClure <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 1:02 PM
To: Molly Howey (Go Topeka) <>; Molly Howey <>; Matt Pivarnik <>; Quinn, Tomari <>
Cc: Governing Body <>;; Kevin Cook <>; Mays, Aaron <>
Subject: Why


Why did the Pizza Hut deal not qualify for your support? 



Henry McClure 

Time kills deals


Henry McClure 
Time kills deals
