Fwd: NOTICE: May 7, 2024 Topeka Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Notice

Henry McClure  
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From: City of Topeka, Kansas <no-reply@topeka.org>
Date: Thu, May 2, 2024, 12:07 PM
Subject: NOTICE: May 7, 2024 Topeka Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Notice
To: <mcre13@gmail.com>

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The May 7, 2024 TDC Board of Directors Meeting is available via Zoom (virtual) or In-person. The meeting will take place in the City Council Chambers located at 214 SE 8th Street, 2nd Floor, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Agendas: The May 7, 2024 agenda is available on the Topeka Development Corporation Board of Directors website at  https://topekadevelopmentcorporation.com/ or available  in the City Clerk's Office, 215 SE 7th Street, Room 166, Topeka, Kansas, 66603.

For more information about the the Topeka Development Corporation visit the website here: https://topekadevelopmentcorporation.com/  

Addressing the Board of Directors: Public comment for the meeting will be available In-person or via Zoom.  Individuals must contact the City Clerk's Office at 785-368-3940 or via email at cclerk@topeka.org by no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 7, 2024 after which the City Clerk's Office will provide Zoom link information and protocols prior to the meeting.  

Written public comment may also be considered to the extent it is personally submitted at the meeting or to the City Clerk's Office located at 215 SE 7th Street, Room 166, Topeka, Kansas, 66603 or via email at cclerk@topeka.org  on or before the April 9, 2024 meeting date.
View the meeting online at https://www.topeka.org/communications/live-stream/  or at https://www.facebook.com/cityoftopeka/. If you do not have access to a viewing option, please contact the City Clerk at 785-368-3940 or email cclerk@topeka.org to make arrangements for an in person location. 
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