Fwd: The latest issue of Topeka Capital-Journal is now available online

Henry McClure  
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From: Topeka Capital-Journal <nm_topekacapitaljournal@newsmemory.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 16, 2024, 4:30 AM
Subject: The latest issue of Topeka Capital-Journal is now available online
To: <mcre13@gmail.com>

Friday • February 16, 2024
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Front Page
Legislators may amend election law
Jason Alatidd Topeka Capital-Journal USA TODAY NETWORK After lawmakers enacted an election law in 2021 without having it go through the normal committee process, legislators have now held a hearing on a proposed change in an attempt to resolve a long-running lawsuit ahead of the 2024 elections. The offices of Secretary of State ScottSchwab and Attorney General Kris Kobach, who were on the losing side of a Kansas Supreme Court decision in December, are asking lawmakers to amend the law. ...
Gun danger in US lurks wherever people gather
A Super Bowl victory parade in Kansas City, Missouri, became another joyful celebration marred by gun violence - reminding us, if we ever forgot, that a lurking danger hovers over Americans every time we gather together to celebrate, honor and commemorate. The chance that a single event might become the scene of violence is relatively small, but tragedy after tragedy has become a part of the national psyche. Some politicians and advocates are again questioning where in America it is...
Astra work to begin in July
Innovation center construction will be done in phases Keishera Lately Topeka Capital-Journal USA TODAY NETWORK The Astra Innovation Center in downtown Topeka will move forward with putting a new face on the community's economic efforts. On Wednesday, Topeka and Shawnee County's Joint Economic Development Organization Board voted to approve a phased approach, proposed by GO Topeka, for the construction of downtown Topeka's ASTRA Innovation Center. City and county officials had three...
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