I was chatting with Terri about how hectic our lives have become. Juggling Infinite Age, spending time with Jayda, and managing everyday stress... It's a lot. Terri mentioned she'd been reading up on sleep... And what she found was nothing short of eye-opening. You see, sleep isn't just "downtime." It's when your body goes into overdrive repairing itself. It's like a nightly tune-up that keeps everything running smoothly. Without enough quality sleep... Your body misses out on this crucial recovery process. Here's something that blew my mind... While we sleep, our brains literally cleanse themselves. They get rid of all the toxins and waste that accumulate during the day. Think of it as a nightly detox for your brain... Keeping your mind sharp and focused. And here's the kicker... Sleep is a major player in keeping your immune system fighting fit. Skimping on sleep can make you vulnerable to catching those pesky colds and flus... Especially now, as we head into the colder months. The question is... How much sleep should you be getting? While it depends on everyone... Most adults need between 7-9 hours a night. But it's not just quantity; quality matters too. That means deep, uninterrupted sleep... Giving your body the time it needs to do its nightly magic. I know, with our busy lives, getting enough sleep can be easier said than done. But it's crucial. Just like you prioritize eating right and staying active... Good sleep should be high on your list too. I want to share my super effective hack that gets me into deep sleep real quick. But I'll save it for another email... In the meantime, think about how you can improve your sleep routine. Your body (and mind) will thank you for it. Have a blessed day... -John Carlisle P.S. Black Friday Cyber Monday is coming real, real soon. And you're in for a special treat. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for my email.