Fwd: A New Baby.

Henry McClure  
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time kills deals

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fr. Nikolai Meyers <frnmeyers@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 27, 2023, 1:17 PM
Subject: A New Baby.
To: Fr. Nikolai Meyers <frnmeyers@gmail.com>

Saints Peter & Paul
Orthodox Church
Topeka, KS
 October 27th 2023
Holy Martyr Nestor
Dear Faithful of Saints Peter and Paul, 
The blessing of the Holy Trinity be upon you!

A New Baby.
Last night Kh. Jeanette gave birth to a healthy baby girl!  Mother and baby are home and resting.  Thank you for all your prayers.  Little lady Meyers's name will be announced after her naming on the 8th day. 

Pledge Cards Available
Pledge cards are available in the Narthex.  Please return them to Church or email them to Sonja by Sunday October 29th 

Prosphora & Coffee Hour sign-up.
We are in need of volunteers to make prosphora and help with coffee hour in the coming weeks.  If you would like to help you can sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11nQvrj2unx0Vz-dggw5Psb8xy2tRg3ybCQGOB_Rn9sI/edit#gid=0
If you have questions on how to make prosphora please let me know. 

Saturday October 28th 
  • 5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers
Sunday October 29th 
  • 9 am Orthros & Sunday School 
  • 10 am Divine Liturgy 
  • Followed by Coffee Hour 
Tuesday October 31st 
  • 6 pm Family Night Activities 
Wednesday November 1st 
Friday November 3
  • 5:15 pm Great Vespers for St. Raphael of Brooklyn
Saturday November 4th 
  • 10 am Divine Liturgy at St. Mary Magdalene Chapel 
  • 2 pm Chris & Bethany Wedding 
  • 5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers
Sunday November 5th 
  • 9 am Orthros & Sunday School 
  • 10 am Divine Liturgy 
  • Followed by Coffee Hour
Tuesday November 7th 
  • 6 pm Great Vespers at St. Mary Magdalene Chapel
Wednesday November 8th 
Friday November 10th 
  • 5:15 Vespers 
Saturday November 11
  • 8 am Orthros 
  • 9 am Liturgy for St. Theodore the Studite 
  • 4:45 pm Catechism
  • 5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers 
Sunday November 12th 
  • 9 am Orthros & Sunday School 
  • 10 am Divine Liturgy 
  • Followed by Coffee Hour
Forgive me. 
Fr. Nikolai Meyers
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church
Topeka, KS
