Fwd: Watch "21st and Gage" on YouTube

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From: Michael G Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Subject: RE: Watch "21st and Gage" on YouTube
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>, Bryan Falk <bryan@falk-architects.com>, Richard Clabaugh <Clabaugh.rick@gmail.com>
Cc: Dan Warner <DWarner@topeka.org>, Rhiannon M. Friedman <rmfriedman@topeka.org>, Lee Holmes <llholmes@topeka.org>

Henry – I watched your video (including your criticisms) and I am copying Dan Warner and Rhiannon on this reply. 


Richard Clabaugh and I talked on the phone the other day.  When you, Richard, and I met several days ago I suggested as a next step to draw up a concept plan and I could arrange a meeting with City staff (mainly engineering and planning) to discuss and give feedback.   Since then, Richard asked for my opinion and I suggested to Richard the other day that we can discuss without a concept plan if you like. 


The idea we discussed earlier was to place a coffee kiosk on the west side of the lot and have drivers enter from either 21st or from a new driveway on Atwood, keeping in mind that a driveway on Atwood would lead to a drive-thru lane with traffic in the direction opposite of traffic for the Jimmy Johns.  One of the challenges with a coffee kiosk on the west end of the site is to find enough room for 5 cars to stack in the drive-thru queue.  The width of the lot – measuring south to north is about 135 feet.   I estimate that five stacking spaces for a drive-thru requires 100 feet (5 x 20), leaving 38 feet for turning movements and setbacks. 


Also consider:

·       The zoning code requires a 25 foot building setback from the east property line

·       a successful drive-thru coffee shop could very likely have a queue of more than 5 vehicles at peak demand (and that can be evaluated via a traffic study. 

·       Some perspective:  this site now contains a restaurant with drive-through operation, a separate retail store (Cricket), and is less 8/10 of an acre. 

·       The traffic from a new driveway entering or exiting onto Atwood will have a substantial impact on the residential properties fronting on Atwood.  How this affects residential property owners on Atwood matters also.    


In your video you suggest an idea that I don't recall discussing several days ago:  moving the drive-thru for Jimmy Johns further west.  Maybe that will give you more space for a new drive-thru coffee kiosk on the west end, but I don't know. 


If you want to discuss options before creating a concept on paper I am will to discuss with you. Just let me know.  



Mike Hall

Land Use Planning Manager

Planning & Development Department

City of Topeka





From: Henry McClure [mailto:mcre13@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:31 PM
To: Bryan Falk <bryan@falk-architects.com>; Richard Clabaugh <Clabaugh.rick@gmail.com>; Michael G Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Subject: Watch "21st and Gage" on YouTube


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Henry McClure  
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time kills deals

Henry McClure 
Time kills deals

