Fwd: Social Service Grants Committee Meeting 7/9/2024

Henry McClure  
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From: City of Topeka, Kansas <no-reply@topeka.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 3, 2024, 11:52 AM
Subject: Social Service Grants Committee Meeting 7/9/2024
To: <mcre13@gmail.com>

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A Social Service Grants Committee meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held in Classroom A at the Law Enforcement Center (320 S. Kansas Ave Ste 100). A virtual attendance option is also available. 
If you would like to attend virtually, please contact the Council office by 5:00pm on 7/8 to obtain the virtual log-in information. The meeting will be live-streamed on the City of Topeka's Facebook and City4 Communications platforms as well.

Please view the Public Meeting calendar for agenda information: https://www.topeka.org/calendar/

Additional City Council information including the meeting agenda is located at https://www.topeka.org/citycouncil/

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