Ward-Meade Wikipedia


You are a yes vote.....right?

Henry McClure  
sent from mobile 📱
time kills deals

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rhonda Underwood <prettyidangel@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 2, 2024, 4:42 PM
Subject: Ward-Meade Wikipedia
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>

Hello Henry,

Attached is some history on Ward-Meade. I don't believe a "saloon" needs to be considered at this time and maybe never. More of the "same" trying to change direction to give an "illusion" of what they want you to see and believe. Not only follow money, but I believes name's as well.

I'm sure the Go Topeka is also somehow involved in this as well. And, no matter what is "voted" or "passed" by County Commissioners or City Council, they need to own their mistakes. 

Thank you for bringing continued awareness. I appreciate all you're doing.

