Fwd: Sentinel Spotlight June 19, 2024

Henry McClure  
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From: The Sentinel Team <news@sentinelksmo.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 19, 2024, 8:45 AM
Subject: Sentinel Spotlight June 19, 2024
To: <mcre13@gmail.com>

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Invoices and emails show that some of the accusations that prompted a recall effort against Prairie Village Mayor Eric Mikkelson may well have merit.

Residents have tried eight times previously to get Mikkelson recalled and the Johnson County District Attorney has refused to certify all of them — generally because they were improperly formatted or the correct legal language was not used.

However, late last month, DA Steve Howe's office found the petitioners had sufficient legal grounds to certify the petition.
"Scoop and Score" makes false claim, won't substantiate rosy economic impact of bringing the Chiefs to Kansas

Much like quarterbacks use the "silent count" in noisy situations near vocal opponents, the organizers of "Scoop and Score" working to bring the Chiefs to Kansas have been mum when asked to explain their optimistic economic forecasts for the move across state lines.
Cowley County dog trainers win appeal; case on warrantless searches will proceed

The Fourth Amendment lawsuit filed by award-winning bird dog trainers Scott Johnson and his wife, Harlene Hoyt of Cowley County, against the Kansas Department of Agriculture will continue after their successful appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, sitting in Denver; their case was initially dismissed by a federal district court in Kansas.
USD 497 Lawrence consciously deceives school board and parents about reading proficiency

According to the Lawrence Journal-World, USD 497 Chief Academic Officer Patrick Kelly announced at the June 10 board meeting that the Lawrence district is very close to achieving its reading goal of 75%, referencing a chart showing students in some grade levels are over 70%.  As with many claims school districts make about student outcomes, this one isn't even close to being accurate, but it's a great example of the extent to which education officials will torture the truth to make the adults in the system look good.

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