Net Promoter Score Survey

While I'm all for growth in Topeka, are we and have we gone about it in a positive manner? I've discovered a few article's discussing a Net Promoter Score used to get percentage indicating growth. Upon reading these, I've uncovered some staff overlapping between news reporting, Greater Topeka and City of Topeka. With this being said, there are past employees let go, due to (personnel matters).

I'm seriously questioning, what is promoted here and to whose benefit. Reading in the article's of what is seen as positives to only become negative is not what Topeka needs. Employee's being let go from positions, due to serious allegations is an outrage in my opinion. 

There is clearly division throughout our State. I fully believe their is discrimination, abuse of power, corruption and etc. going on. When our "elected" allow, promote favoritism/partiality to "elite" and not everyone, you're part of the problem. Turning and burying your head's in the sand will further crumble Topeka. Food for thought...Asking Alexa might be cheaper than the "overpriced" consultants.

Thoroughly Disgusted
