Fwd: Pizza Hut at 2061 SE 29th

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Fwd: Pizza Hut at 2061 SE 29th
To: Mark Rezac <mark@kscommercial.com>
Cc: Emerson Tony <temerson@topeka.org>, Braxton Copley <bcopley@topeka.org>, Michael Padilla <mpadilla@topeka.org>, Rhiannon M. Friedman <rmfriedman@topeka.org>

Mark and Rhiannon, 

Is there a reason the sewer line can't hook into the main a bit further to the south? The City of Topeka owns the land to the south. Could you look at the math? 
 Annual sales  one-half cent tax  5-year projection 
Pizza Hut  $1,700,000.00  $          8,500.00  $           42,500.00
Please explain how making the land shovel-ready is NOT economic development.

Please explain taking an existing merchant in Topeka and considering the new location as "JOB retention." 

Explain how the very deal that creates the funds for economic development does not qualify for those funds.

We have to change the JEDO policy, where deals of this nature automatically qualify. They create sales tax, and the tax base grows when the building is built. Plus, a new building on land that has sat vacant for only God knows when. 

Today we need to focus on this new water meter and commercial users.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mark Rezac <mark@kscommercial.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Pizza Hut at 2061 SE 29th
To: mcre13@gmail.com <mcre13@gmail.com>


Please see email and picture below.

Giving Dotson some of the land might work, but not all.  Explained below. 

Let me know if you can discuss with Dr. Dotson.






I spoke to construction regarding the portion that the doc would like to swap for the easement, and it is doable, however not the full portion.  Please see below.


Mark – we recently received comments back from the city regarding our layout and were told that we need to make changes.  We originally had a 2 driveway entrance, but can only have 1.  Because of that our parking shifted.  What the doc wants, goes from the property line to the edge of our drive-thru.  We need space for parking.  After that point is what we can give up (it's about 23ft wide – blue outlined box).  Our thought is that with giving us the easement to the rear of his property, he wouldn't be able to expand/build over the sewer line.  This would give him an opportunity to add parking at least (for example).  I'm simultaneously sharing this update with our operations team as well to confirm they don't have any issues, however, please feel free to share the below image with him and see if we can still make this work. 





Thank you,



Mark Rezac Partner


Direct: 785.228.5308 | Main: 785.272.2525

435 S. Kansas Ave, Suite 200 | Topeka, KS 66603






Henry McClure 
Time kills deals

Henry McClure 
Time kills deals
