Fwd: CFS Engineers Statement 23-5199


We need to write another article about "request denied" 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 12:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: CFS Engineers Statement 23-5199
To: Matt Pivarnik <matt.pivarnik@topekapartnership.com>, Molly Howey <mhowey@gotopeka.com>, Jim Klausman <Jklausman@midwest-health.com>, David Banks <dbanks8487@yahoo.com>, Mark Rezac <mark@kscommercial.com>, Emerson Tony <temerson@topeka.org>, Richard U. Nienstedt <runienstedt@topeka.org>, Kevin Holland <kholland@cfse.com>

Request for funds 

In lockstep with the inter-local agreement

Please pat with JEDO dollars

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sheila Heiman <sheiman@cfse.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 10:47 AM
Subject: CFS Engineers Statement 23-5199
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>

Hi Henry,

There is an amount due of $8,000.00 for work completed in September 2023.
I have attached a copy of your statement to this email.
For online payments, please visit  https://www.cfse.com/pay-invoice.
To mail a check, please make payable to: Cook, Flatt, & Strobel Engineers, PA and mail to:
CFS Engineers
2930 SW Woodside Dr.
Topeka, KS 66614

I have attached an ACH form as well, if you would prefer to fill it out and email it back to me.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Celebrating 60 Years of Service 1961-2021

Henry McClure 
Time kills deals

Henry McClure 
Time kills deals
