FW: A lot of Announcements



I'm using Adobe Acrobat.
Here's the 2024 DOWAMA Graduating HS Senior Scholarship Application.pdf for you to review.
Here's the Mens Retreat Brochure 2024.pdf for you to review.
Here's the St Mary Lenten Retreat 2024.pdf for you to review.
Here's the The Humble Person EN.pdf for you to review.
Here's the A New Pharisaism EN.pdf for you to review.


From: Fr. Nikolai Meyers <frnmeyers@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 1:00 PM
To: Fr. Nikolai Meyers <frnmeyers@gmail.com>
Subject: A lot of Announcements


Saints Peter & Paul

Orthodox Church

Topeka, KS

 March 1st 2024

The Holy Righteous Martyr Eudocia the Samaritan


Dear Faithful of Saints Peter and Paul, 

The blessing of the Holy Trinity be upon you!


Teaching from the Metropolitan

Two meditations from our Metropolitan are attached to this email.


Diocese of Wichita Scholarship for Graduating Seniors is available.  Please see attached application. 


Flyers for lenten retreats in our area attached to this email. 


Catechism Resumes 

Saturday March 16th at 4:45 pm in person and via zoom. 


Camp St. Raphael

Camp registration opens at noon on February 1st.  https://www.campstraphael.org/

Parents must have medical history completed before a child can be registered.


3 Weeks of Camp Available

Session 1: June 23 - June 29

Session 2: June 30 - July 6

Session 3: July 7 - July 13


Scholarships are available for camp.  Please let me know if you would like your child considered for a scholarship by March 15th.  


EOYC Summer Camp July 28- Aug 3

More details can be found here: https://myeoyc.com/


Prosphora & Coffee Hour sign-up.

We are in need of volunteers to make prosphora and help with coffee hour in the coming weeks.  If you would like to help you can sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11nQvrj2unx0Vz-dggw5Psb8xy2tRg3ybCQGOB_Rn9sI/edit#gid=0

If you have questions on how to make prosphora please let me know. 



Saturday March 2nd 

·  10 am Divine Liturgy  at St. Mary Magdalene Chapel in Manhattan, KS.

·  5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers

Sunday March 3rd Sunday of the Prodigal Son

·  9 am Orthros & Sunday School

·  10 am Divine Liturgy.  

·  Followed by Coffee Hour

Tuesday March 5th 

·  6 pm Vespers at St. Mary Magdalene Chapel

Wednesday March 6th 

·  5:15 pm Vespers

Friday March 8th 

·  5:15 pm Soul Saturday Vespers & Memorial

Saturday March 9th Soul Saturday

·  7 am Orthros

·  8 am Liturgy & Memorial 

·  5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers

Sunday March 10th Meatfare Sunday 

·  9 am Orthros & Sunday School

·  10 am Divine Liturgy.  

·  Followed by Coffee Hour

March 11th-17th Fasting from Meat only. 


Wednesday March 13th 

·  5:15 pm Vespers 

Saturday March 16th 

·  10 am Divine Liturgy at St. Mary Magdalene Chapel 

·  4:45 pm Catechism 

·  5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers

Sunday March 17th Cheesefare/ Forgiveness Sunday (St. Patrick's Day)

·  9 am Orthros & Sunday School

·  10 am Divine Liturgy.  

·  Followed by Coffee Hour

·  5 pm Forgiveness Vespers 

Monday March 18th Clean Monday 1st day of Lent

·  5:15 pm Great Compline and Canon of St. Andrew 

Tuesday March 19th

·   5:15 pm Great Compline and Canon of St. Andrew 

Wednesday March 20th 

·  5:15 pm Precommunion prayers & Presanctified Liturgy 

·  Soup Supper to follow.

Thursday March 21st 

·   5:15 pm Great Compline and Canon of St. Andrew 

Friday March 22nd 

·  5: 15 pm Little Compline and Akathist Hymn

Saturday March 23rd 

·  4:45 pm Catechism 

·  5:45 pm 9th Hour & Great Vespers

Sunday March 24th Sunday of Orthodoxy

·  9 am Orthros & Sunday School

·  10 am Divine Liturgy and procession with the Icons

·  Followed by Coffee Hour

·  5 pm Great Vespers for Annunciation 

Monday March 25th Annunciation 

·  5:15 pm Vesperal Divine Liturgy for Annunciation 

Save the Dates 

Forgive me 


Fr. Nikolai Meyers


Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church

Topeka, KS
