The proprietors of Mainline Printing have embarked on a new endeavor, venturing beyond their established printing business to undertake two significant development projects in South Topeka. This decision marks a strategic shift for the company, as they seek to diversify their portfolio and contribute to the revitalization of the region.
The journey into real estate and urban development began with the acquisition of the former White Lakes Mall property in 2023, a move that took Mainline Printing beyond its traditional manufacturing focus. John Parker, President of Mainline Printing, explained that the proximity of the company's headquarters to the property made it a logical choice for expansion. Additionally, the purchase of the former Gordman's property further solidified their commitment to the area.
Reflecting on past experiences, Parker recalled the initial optimism surrounding the revitalization efforts at White Lakes Mall when Mainline purchased the former Sears building in 2004. However, setbacks, including a fire in 2020, prompted a reevaluation of their approach. Concerns for business continuity and asset protection propelled Mainline Printing towards the realm of development, a new frontier for the company.
While embracing this new venture, Mainline's leadership remains cautious, prioritizing careful planning and avoiding hasty decisions. Despite the challenges, they remain steadfast in their vision to rejuvenate the former mall property, envisioning a dynamic mix of light industrial and commercial spaces that capitalize on the area's potential.
The relocation of Mainline Printing's headquarters to the Gordman's property underscores their commitment to the development projects. Parker emphasized the need for additional space to accommodate the company's growth, highlighting the expansion opportunities afforded by the new location.
Looking ahead, Parker is optimistic about the future prospects of their business properties along Topeka Boulevard. Recognizing the demand for warehousing space with specific attributes, he sees untapped opportunities for growth and economic development in the region.
The revitalization of the South Topeka corridor holds significant importance for the city, with Mainline Printing's projects drawing considerable attention. Parker emphasized their commitment to ensuring that the redevelopment of the former White Lakes Mall property is done right, recognizing its potential to enhance the city's tax base, create jobs, and leave a lasting impact on the community.
In embarking on these development ventures, the owners of Mainline Printing are not only expanding their business horizons but also demonstrating their dedication to the prosperity and vitality of South Topeka. As they navigate this new terrain, they remain guided by their core values of integrity, innovation, and community stewardship, poised to shape the future landscape of the region.
Source and Credits to TK Magazine (No copywrite infringement intended)