Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 12:03 PM
To: Henry McClure <>; Richard U. Nienstedt <>
Cc: Amanda L. Stanley <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: RE: Do I need a lawyer
Mr. McClure,
That is a mischaracterization of our brief conversation last night. There was no intent on my part to censor you.
Our discussion was on recent police resource allocation due to misrepresented & politicalized issues in the capital city and the role of responsible information dissemination.
I support your constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression, as I do for any citizen.
I genuinely value our amicable relationship, as well.
I apologize for any misunderstanding that was created by this recent discussion.
Bryan Wheeles Chief of Police Topeka Police Department 320 S Kansas Ave Suite #100 Topeka, KS 66603 785-368-9277 |
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From: Henry McClure <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 10:07 PM
To: Bryan Wheeles <>; Richard U. Nienstedt <>
Cc: Amanda L. Stanley <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: Do I need a lawyer
This message originated from outside your organization
Subject: Request for Clarification Regarding Recent Discourse on Social Media Censorship
Dear Chief
In light of our recent discussions pertaining to the matter of social media censorship and its implications, I propose that we schedule another meeting with the city manager to address any lingering concerns and ensure absolute clarity on the issue.
The purpose of this meeting would be to elucidate the circumstances surrounding the commentary on my social media activities. While I genuinely value our amicable relationship and acknowledge your commendable actions at the Travelers, a certain degree of disquiet persists concerning the motivation behind your statements regarding the censorship in question.
To dispel any ambiguity and foster an open dialogue, I seek confirmation on whether your engagement in the discourse was of your own volition or if you were acting under the directives of a higher authority. Clarity on this matter is imperative to ascertain the source and nature of the perspectives presented, thereby enabling a more informed and constructive discussion during our upcoming meeting.
I appreciate your understanding of the sensitivity of this matter and anticipate a prompt response to schedule the proposed meeting. This initiative reflects our shared commitment to transparency and effective communication in our professional relationship.
I look forward to addressing these concerns together.
Henry McClure
Time kills deals