From: Bonnie Williams <>
Date: Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 11:17 AM
Subject: FW: Kora
To: <>
Cc: City Clerk <>, Mary E. Kuckelman <>
This email is in response to your records request below. Please be advised that the documents and correspondence that you have requested are not public records. The definition of "public record" in K.S.A. 45-217(l)(3) does not include "records that are made, maintained or kept by an individual who is a member . . . of the governing body of any political or taxing subdivision of the state." Any records that would be responsive to your request were made, maintained or kept by Mayor Padilla, who is a member of the City of Topeka's governing body. As a result, such records are not subject to the Kansas Open Records Act and there is no obligation on the City to produce them. The City declines to do so.
Bonnie Williams
Senior Paralegal
City of Topeka
Legal Department
215 SE 7th Street, Room 353
Topeka, KS 66603
(785) 368-3883
NOTICE: This message and any attachments may be confidential and contain legally privileged information. If you are not an employee of the City of Topeka (see K.S.A. 75-6102(d)), we do not waive any legal protection that may apply such as attorney-client or work product privileges. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Further, this communication is not intended to constitute, nor should it be relied upon, as legal advice to you.
From: Henry McClure <>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 11:23 PM
To: City Clerk <>
Subject: Kora
This message originated from outside your organization
I want to know if there any emails correspondence. Zoom calls any form of electronic transmission sent between the mayor and the author from the wall street journal..
Any letters. federal express. telegrams
Henry McClure
sent from mobile 📱
time kills deals