From the Dean Dear friends, A few years ago I went out with some colleagues and did some bowling. The next day I got a prize. Apparently the prize was meant for the person with the lowest bowling score from the night before. Now, I've been in plenty of contests, having won a few and lost plenty. But the concept of a prize specifically recognizing the act of coming in last place … that's next-level. It seems backward to congratulate people when they fail. Nevertheless, the phrase "fail faster" is a part of corporate-speak these days. Google and Procter & Gamble are just a few of the many companies that regularly reward failed projects and initiatives. Why is that? Perhaps there's a sense that you can identify inefficiencies in the system, or encourage innovation, or get disparate groups to come together faster when things aren't going well and everything feels urgent. The act of trying and failing can teach us far more than we might ever learn by consistent success. Failure is truly our greatest teacher in life. One of my mentors says we should all pray for "at least one good humiliation a day." He says that with everything else competing for our attention, nothing else is going to wake us up. I believe God sees, embraces, and loves us even and especially when we fail and fall down. How else are we encouraged to try again? God's grace intervenes into humiliation and instructs us, exhorts us to a "do-over." The point of the exercise is faithfulness. Perfection is boring. See you soon! Dean Torey+ | | News and Notes - It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the death of long-time Cathedral member Bob Sommers early this morning following an extended illness. We will have more information on funeral plans by Monday.
In the meantime, please hold Bob's wife, Jackie, and his children and grandchildren in your prayers over the days and weeks ahead. May Bob's soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace and rise in glory! - Blessing Box Sunday, Sunday, January 21: Donations of non-perishable food items may be brought to church and placed in the grocery cart in the Cathedral. This collection takes place on the third Sunday of each month, however donations may be brought to the Cathedral office at any time during business hours.
- Annual Parish Meeting: Sunday, January 28, 9:30 a.m., All Saints Hall: Election of new vestry members, Endowment Trustees and Convention Delegates; Presentation of the 2023 budget; Report on the state of the parish by Dean Lightcap. A continental breakfast will be served. (No Adult Education that morning.)
- Mark your calendar for Lent!
February 13: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, a fundraiser for the Cathedral's Youth trip to England —Tickets available following the January 28 Annual Meeting. February 14: Ash Wednesday services at 12:10 and 7 p.m. February 21—March 20: Wednesdays in Lent service and simple supper - February Senior Saints: Since the day for the monthly luncheon falls on Ash Wednesday, February's luncheon will begin at 11 a.m., but will not include a program. Those in attendance can then attend the 12:10 p.m. Ash Wednesday service. A sign-up sheet is located on the west-side table so we can get a headcount for the lunch.
- The Women's Study Group, which meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month,11:30-1, is beginning a new study February 13 of the book, "The Life of Jesus for Today " by Ronald Allen. This 12-week study examines Jesus' life in his historical context while reflecting on what those stories have to teach us today. If you are interested, contact Karel Ramsey (785)232-1452.
| | Congratulations to The Reverend Jody Carroll, Canon at Grace Cathedral, on her ordination to the priesthood, January 13, 2024! | | Canon Carroll was presented to Bishop Cathleen Bascom by Cathedral Senior Warden Marilyn Trubey and Dean Torey Lightcap (far right) as well as clergy from her home diocese of Western Missouri. | | January 20 8:30 a.m., Saturday Sandwich Ministry (ASH kitchen) January 21 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion 9:30 a.m., Adult Forum (ASH); Dean's Bible Study (Robyn Room) 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion (Cathedral) 10:30 a.m., Club Jesus for children (Sloan Hall) 5:00 p.m., Youth Group January 22 7:00 p.m., Reader's Theater January 23 9:00 a.m., Morning Prayer (St. Mary's Chapel) 3:30 a.m., Staff meeting (Bubb Room) January 24 6:00 p.m., Education for Ministry (Bubb Room) January 25 7:30 a.m., Men's Study Group (Bubb Room) 9:00 a.m., Morning Prayer (St. Mary's Chapel) 9:30 a.m., Centering Prayer 5:30 p.m., Handbell rehearsal (Room 211) 7:00 p.m., Choir rehearsal (Choir Room) | | Worship opportunities with Grace Cathedral | | | In-person Services - We offer two Sunday services of Holy Communion: 8:30 (spoken only) and 10:30 (with music). Nursery care is available for the 10:30 service.
- Morning Prayer is held each Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m., in St. Mary's Chapel.
Live-streaming online service Our 10:30 Sunday service will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel: Compline Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 p.m., on the Cathedral's Facebook page: | | Find it on the website Here are some links to make things a bit easier to find on the Cathedral website: | | | | |