What if your brain had a switch that could literally turn off your aches and pains... Without worrying about addiction, liver, damage or any of the other dangerous side-effects associated with pain pills? Well, the good news is... You can... And you'll see what I'm talking about in a moment. But first, it's important you understand how all this pain relief stuff came about in the first place. Now since the beginning of time, the idea of eliminating aches and pains was nothing more than a mere dream... That all changed at the beginning of the 19th century... When a groundbreaking discovery found in the bark of an ancient tree helped hundreds of thousands of people erase their nerve, back, neck, muscle, and joint pain... Almost overnight... All while transforming an ordinary chemist into a world-renowned healer... After being recognized for his amazing pain management discovery. His name was Johann Andreas... And in 1828 after decades of research... He finally uncovered the key to unlocking a pain-free life for virtually anyone struggling with agonizing discomfort. Johann was successful in finding this amazing discovery because he understood something most people at the time didn't... And that was... What the root cause of pain was. You see, pain stems from injury, inflammation, or stress affecting tissues or bones in your body. When something is wrong... Like when your muscles are strained or your joints are damaged... Your body responds by sending signals through your nerves to your brain. These signals are what your brain feels as pain. Now, I know this might sound too simple but... In all honesty... Pain really is nothing more than signals sent to your brain, telling you something is wrong. Knowing this, Johann was determined to find a natural solution to pain... And spent over 15 researching different plants... Until he finally discovered a compound in the bark of the white willow tree that could "turn off" these pain signals. This compound is called salicin... And when ingested, it acts like a heat-seeking missile... Targeting the painful areas and "turning down" the sensitivity of your nerves. With less sensitivity in your nerves... The pain signals going to your brain aren't as strong. Simply put, less sensitivity in your nerves means weaker pain signals... And weaker pain signals means less pain. In fact, salicin is so effective at soothing aches and pains... Bayer (the pharmaceutical company) stole Johann's idea... Making their own version in a lab... And selling to the general public as what we know today as aspirin. Bayer makes billions of dollars each year selling this lab-made version of salicin. Now, to be 100% clear, aspirin isn't perfect and comes with its own set of serious problems... With the main one being... It isn't natural. And like all things that aren't natural... Aspirin has a laundry list of dangerous side effects that makes taking it a huge risk to your health. And that's why I teamed up with a world-renowned supplement formulator named Gene Bruno to engineer the best version of salicin we could come up with. After several months of research... We finally landed on an effective formula. It's called Infinite Relief. And it's a unique blend of salicin and Turmeric. And after multiple studies performed at Pujitha Hospital... India's top natural, holistic health institution... We discovered how this blend can start blocking aches and pains in as few as 60 seconds. These two ingredients combined are like noise-cancelling headphones, instantly blocking out the pain signals sent to your brain. The best part? It doesn't matter if you're at a pain level as low as 2... Or as high as 10... When you're cancelling-out pain at its source, you're able to get the relief you want regardless of how bad your pain is. So with that said... If you're looking for a groundbreaking pain reliever that contains the newest cutting-edge chemicals... This ain't for you. The truth of the matter is... Infinite Relief has no chemicals or medicines... Or any of that fancy stuff... But instead it has everything to do with natural, age-old pain erasing relief... Without all the crazy side effects and health risks that come with man-made solutions. Think of it as God's natural pain reliever. Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to let you know about Infinite Relief... Considering it's been out-of-stock due to a recent buying frenzy... And I've just recently got a small supply back in-stock. So if you wanna learn more about Infinite Relief, here's the link: https://infiniteage.com/products/infinite-relief Have a blessed day... -John Carlisle |
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