Fwd: Speaker Dan Hawkins at Pachyderm Thursday. Kloos-Kloos campaigns kick off Friday. Candidates and more!

Henry McClure  
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From: Shawnee County Republicans <shawneecountyksgop@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2023, 10:00 PM
Subject: Speaker Dan Hawkins at Pachyderm Thursday. Kloos-Kloos campaigns kick off Friday. Candidates and more!
To: <mcre13@gmail.com>

Thank you to everyone who attended the Eisenhower Dinner!

With the Speaker vote still happening in Congress, our 2nd District Representative Jake LaTurner created a powerful video in lieu of attending in person. Heartfelt thanks to him, his team, the Eisenhower Dinner Committee team led by Nancy Hedstrom, our veterans shown standing in the photo, Senator Kloos who gave opening remarks, and all who attended and/or donated to this beautiful event!


You're invited! Pachyderm Club

5:30 PM Thursday, October 26

Annie's Place in Gage Shopping Center

4014 SW Gage Center Drive, Topeka

Speaker: Honorable Daniel Hawkins,

Kansas House Speaker

Topic: Legislative accomplishments and future actions

All Republicans are welcome!

Please join us! Kloos Kloos campaigns kick-off celebration October 27th

We are thrilled to announce the kick-off celebrations for the campaigns of Rick Kloos for Senate District 3 and Pennie Boyer-Kloos for House District 56. This is an excellent opportunity for you to show your support! The celebration will be on Friday, October 27th, with the kick-off event starting at 6:30 p.m. and the major announcement at 6:45 p.m. It's all happening at the Fairlawn Plaza Mall, 2114 SW Chelsea Dr, Topeka, KS 66614. It would be fantastic to see you there! If you could visit https://forms.gle/aZA61MzL5mrZ1saN7 to RSVP by Wednesday, October 25th, that would be great. Additionally, if you're feeling generous and would like to contribute to the campaigns, you can bring donations to the event, or you can easily donate online!

For Rick, visit www.givebutter.com/rickkloos.

For Pennie, visit www.givebutter.com/pennie.

Your support means a lot to us, and we can't wait to see you at the celebration!

Best Regards,

Rick Kloos and Pennie Boyer-Kloos

iVoterGuides are now available online

Visit ivoterguide.com and enter a home address to see how candidates in that district answered survey questions. Please share this resource with friends!

Again, that's https://ivoterguide.com/

Shawnee County GOP Candidates in the local

General Election Tuesday, November 7, 2023

View your sample ballot by clicking HERE & following the prompts.

Advance Voting Has Begun! Are you able to help distribute literature? Please contact the candidate(s) of your choosing below, or respond to this email and include your phone number so we can put you to work!

Topeka City Council District 2

Craig McCullah craig@mccullah4ks.com 785-220-6565

Topeka City Council District 4

Dave Brede dmbrede@gmail.com 785-230-3388

Topeka City Council District 6

Craig Dunstan candidate@craigdunstan.com 785-438-9985

Topeka City Council District 8

Chris Phelps (not related) phelpsdistrict8@gmail.com 785-260-9342

Auburn Mayor

Mark Brown mark.brown299@yahoo.com 785-249-9715

Auburn Council Members (3 Positions)

Tony Trower 785-224-5744

Paul Harper

Rossville Council Members (3 Positions)

Daniel Glotzbach Glotzbach1966@yahoo.com

Sherwood Improvement Director (3 positions)

George Schuler schulerg@stifel.com 785-633-7200

Colt Brown colt.brown@oldcastle.com 785-250-8052

Rick Nesbitt rick@ricknesbitt.com 785-640-0121

USD 345 (Seaman) District A Position 1

Brett Bitner brett.bitner@hotmail.com 785-491-9989

USD 345 (Seaman) District B Position 2

Zachary Wagers zachary.wagers@coolvu.com 785-380-8703

USD 345 (Seaman) District C Position 3

Terry Symonds tsymonds55@gmail.com 785-230-5209

USD 345 (Seaman) Member At-Large

Linda Sloan linda4boardusd345@gmail.com 785-554-1290

USD 437 (Auburn-Washburn) District A Position 1

Jeremy Wiltz jwiltz@midlandcc.org 913-706-2526

USD 437 (Auburn-Washburn) District B Position 2

Matt Ewald ewaldmat@usd437.net 913-710-9788

USD 437 (Auburn-Washburn) District C Position 3

Brad Noller bnoller1217@gmail.com 785-554-8899

USD 437 (Auburn-Washburn) Member At-Large

Tom Bruno tbruno437@gmail.com 785-633-2127

USD 450 (Shawnee Heights) District A Position 1

Damon Shore dads4heights@gmail.com 731-592-0228


USD 450 (Shawnee Heights) District B Position 2

Rocky Busenitz busenitzr@usd450.net 785-383-3851

USD 450 (Shawnee Heights) District C Position 3

Troy Showalter dads4heights@gmail.com


USD 450 (Shawnee Heights) Position At-Large

Michael P. Cichowicz dads4heights@gmail.com 785-730-9441


USD 501 District 1 Position 4

Lana Kombacher lkombacher@cox.net 804-432-6333

USD 501 District 1 Position At-Large

Richard C. Bronebrake crbonebrake48@gmail.com

Auburn Mayor

Mark Brown mark.brown299@yahoo.com 785-249-9715

Auburn Council Members (3 Positions)

Tony Trower bone_5_2000@yahoo.com 785-224-5744

Paul Harper

Rossville Council Members (3 Positions)

Daniel Glotzbach Glotzbach1966@yahoo.com

For Silver Lake, please Visit "We Are Silver Lake" on Facebook for ongoing Meet the Candidates events!

Please note: Those listed above are known Republican candidates; some are more "known" than others. Any possible errors in the information above are not intentional. Further, a candidate registered as a Republican does not ensure they follow the GOP platform. Any need for correction or additional candidate links can be emailed with proof to lanell.griffith@gmail.com. Thank you!

Opportunities to help candidates

Dave Brede, candidate for Topeka City Council 4, is walking neighborhoods daily after 4:30pm. Contact him at 785-230-3388 to coordinate.

Craig Dunstan, candidate Topeka City Council 6, is walking neighborhoods every Saturday from 10am - 6pm. Contact him at 785-438-9985 to meet up on location while walking.

Thank you for your support!

Sign up for our newsletter here!
Paid for by the Shawnee County Republican Party, | Chairwoman Lanell Griffith, Topeka, KS 66612
Unsubscribe mcre13@gmail.com
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