H McClure Proposal - Sept 13 JEDO Board Agenda

I need help from Topeka to brig back the boulevard. 

Henry McClure "live"
3625 SW 29th Street 
#100 @ mcre
Topeka KS 66614

Time Kills Deals 

From: Brenda Younger <BYounger@Topeka.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:47 PM
Cc: 'Henry McClure' <mcre13@gmail.com>; City Clerk <cclerk@Topeka.org>; City4 <City4@Topeka.org>; City4TV <City4TV@Topeka.org>; Department Directors <DepartmentDirectors@Topeka.org>; Mary Feighny <mfeighny@Topeka.org>; Betty Greiner <betty.greiner@snco.us>; Curt Niehaus <Curt.Niehaus@snco.us>; Cyndi Beck <cyndi.beck@snco.us>; Jane Rezac <jane.rezac@snco.us>; Jennifer Laudermilk <jdlaudermilk@gmail.com>; Jim Crowl (james.crowl@snco.us) <james.crowl@snco.us>; Kris Otto <Kris.Otto@snco.us>; Stephany Kuhlman <Stephany.Kuhlman@snco.us>; Susanne Oliva <Susanne.Oliva@snco.us>; Tabitha Pusch <Tabitha.pusch@snco.us>; Ashley Gilfillan <ashley.gilfillan@topekapartnership.com>; Ashley Lehman <Ashley.lehman@topekapartnership.com>; Bob Ross <bob.ross@topekapartnership.com>; Cynthia Kraus <cindy.kraus@topekapartnership.com>; Glenda Washington <glenda.washington@topekapartnership.com>; India Yarborough <india.yarborough@topekapartnership.com>; Molly Howey <molly.howey@topekapartnership.com>; Stephanie Moran <stephanie.moran@topekapartnership.com>
Subject: H McClure Proposal - Sept 13 JEDO Board Agenda

JEDO Board Members,


Attached to this email is a proposal from Henry McClure. Mayor Padilla will be a requesting to add this to the agenda this evening for consideration.


Mr. McClure will provide hard copies at the meeting.


Thank you.


Brenda Younger, M.M.C

City Clerk, City of Topeka

215 SE 7th St., Rm 166

Topeka, KS 66603




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