Fwd: Automatic reply: CUP Approved!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rhiannon M. Friedman <rmfriedman@topeka.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 20, 2023, 1:48 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: CUP Approved!
To: Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email! I will be out of the office for Leadership Kansas through Friday, Sept. 22nd.  I will do my best to catch up on urgent emails in the evening as possible. For urgent matters I can be reach on my cell at (785) 207-1429.

For immediate assistance please contact the appropriate staff below:

General Inquiries
Amanda Tituana-Feijoo at atituana-feijoo@topeka.org<mailto:atituana-feijoo@topeka.org>  or (785) 368-3728

Dan Warner at dwarner@topeka.org<mailto:dwarner@topeka.org> or (785) 368-3006

Development Services
Richard Faulkner at rfaulkner@topeka.org<mailto:rfaulkner@topeka.org> or (785) 368-3704

Housing Services
Carrie Higgins at chiggins@topeka.org<mailto:chiggins@topeka.org> or (785) 368-4456

Thank you!
