Topeka Planning Meeting: Questions Needed to be Answered and Need to be Considered


Can These Questions be Answered?


Do they need to be?

Here are some questions that raises concerns to local residents.

Brandi Lane, a local resident to Shawnee County in Topeka, erupts some questions to the City Planning Council asking for answers. Brandi states that some residents did not get notified about the on planned construction of a Church planned to be constructed in the vicinity of their neighborhood. Aside from asking questions, Brandi stated that "...the church only wants us to comply with the city statutes."

Here are some detailed questions that Brandi raised in the public comment session:
  • Who is going to pay for the construction of the Church?
Where as per research, she stated that the Church will be paying its construction, in addition to that, she stated that she has worked for a church in the past and would take up to 40 years to raise money just for the construction of one church building, knowing that the church did not take out a bank loan for its construction.

  • What are the ages of the patrons of the Church?
  • Would they be able to maintain the Church?
  • What are difference in numbers between male and female?
  • What are the cultural and political make-up of the patrons?
  • How many patrons are allowed to carry concealed weapons?
Where her research shows that the area was "ZONED 'F' (for failure)" in safety standards due to crime related incidents, "...that's why it hasn't been developed" she added.

  • What are the actions going to be taken to unreally patrons who are going to attend church services?
Raising another concern, if who is going to take action of people pretending to be patrons of the church to do unwanted acts of crimes. Asking in front of public "...are we going to handle them?"

  • How many times would the people of the church be able to check the church and maintain the church grounds?
  • When did the Traffic Planning happen?
  • What will be the changes in the speed limit in that area?
  • Will the patrons (outsiders) go through the local resident's city just to get to church?

In addition to these questions, Brandi added more concerns and what about the effects of the Church might cost to the residents of Topeka and outside patrons.

Adding into paper, Brandi raised another set of concerns:
  • What about the bus stop?
Stating that the nearest bus stop is more that a mile away from the church and there are no plans of making a new bus stop closer to the vicinity.
  • What about the crime in the area?
Knowingly that the are was zoned "F" due to crime related incidents, what would be the effect of the construction to local residents.
  • What about vandalism
Where as per Brandi, vandalism might occur in the area since vandalism has knowingly been going around in other churches in Topeka, where an article is published. In addition to that, some church bus were also vandalized and that raises concerns to the local residents, what actions would they do and how will the local council handle the situation.

Watch the full video segment of Brandi Lane's concerns. Attached are petitions from other residents with their proposal on this topic.

Petition for Denial of a Conditional Use Permit

Attached is the Planning Commission Question Handouts from the Planning Commission Meeting Held on August 21, 2023
