Planning Commission Meeting Tonight (August 21, 2023)

                                     Saints Peter & Paul

Orthodox Church
Topeka, KS

 August 21st 2023
The Holy Apostle Thaddaeus

Dear Faithful of Saints Peter and Paul, 
The blessing of the Holy Trinity be upon you!

Planning Commission Meeting Tonight
6 pm Planning Commission Public meeting.    The meeting will be held in City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Building at 214 E 8th Street. As many people from the church that want to attend are welcome.

Catechism resumes Saturday at 4:45 pm
We will hold catechism for 6 weeks starting this Saturday at 4:45 pm.  It will be held in person and also streamed on zoom:

ESL Classes 
Monday August 21st we launch English Language classes.  Classes will be Mondays and Thursdays from 7-8 pm.  To make attendance easy, we will offer childcare for that hour.  We are looking for help to staff the childcare.  Please let me know if you would like to help with childcare.  

Festival News
  • Festival Pre-Orders are Live!  You can make pre-orders for festival bulk food at Let everyone know they can place orders!
  • Festival Prep happens on Fridays at 9 am and Saturdays at 10 am except Labor Day Weekend.  
Pictures for Website
Please email recent photos of Church events you would like posted on our Website to Mike Press.  

Prosphora & Coffee Hour sign-up.
We are in need of volunteers to make prosphora and help with coffee hour in the coming weeks.  If you would like to help you can sign up here:
If you have questions on how to make prosphora please let me know. 

Financial Update
Income to the General Fund 1/1/23 to 7/31/23 $72,736.53
Expense of the General Fund 1/1/23 to  7/31/23 $72,460.94
Income to the Building Fund 1/1/23 to  8/15/23 $36,001.52
Balance of the Building Fund as of 8/15/23 $82,238.52
Income to Ukrainian Alms Fund 1/1/23 to 8/15/23  $27,576.48
Expenses to the Ukrainian Alms Fund 1/1/23 to 8/15/23
  • Rents Paid : $17,100.96
  • Utilities Paid: $515.61
  • Emergency Medical Paid:  $477.06
  • Fees for PayPal, Square, Venmo Paid: $108.13
  • Bank Fees Paid: $18.00
  • Supplies: New checks, deposit slips, endorsement stamp $106.09
Total Expenses 1/1/23 to 8/15/23 $18,325.85
Remaining Balance for the Ukrainian Alms Fund as of 8/15/23 $9,250.63

Monday August 21st 
  • 6 pm Planning Commission Public meeting.    The meeting will be held in City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Building at 214 E 8th Street. As many people from the church that want to attend are welcome. 
  • 7-8 pm English Classes 
Tuesday August 22nd 
  • 6 pm Vespers at St. Mary Magdalene Chapel 
Wednesday August 23rd 
Thursday August 24th 
  • 6 pm Ladies Group Potluck at the Press's house.  Please RSVP to Shm. Sandra
  • 7-8 pm English Classes 
Friday August 25th 
  • 9 am Festival Prep 
Saturday August 26th 
    Sunday August 27th 
    • 9 am Orthros 
    • 10 am Divine Liturgy
    • Coffee Hour to follow
    Monday August 28th 
    • 5:15 pm Great Vespers for the Beheading of St. John the Baptist
    • 7-8 pm English Classes
    Wednesday August 30th 
    Thursday August 31st 
    • 5:15 pm Great Vespers for the Church New Year & St. Simeon the Stylite 
    • 7-8 pm English Classes 
    Saturday September 2nd 
    Sunday September 3rd 
    • 9 am Orthros
    • 10 am Divine Liturgy
    • Coffee Hour to follow
    Monday September 4th 
    • 7-8 pm English Classes 
    Wednesday September 6th 
    Thursday September 7th 
    • 5 pm Vigil for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
    • 7-8 pm English Classes 
    Friday September 8th Nativity of the Theotokos
    • 7 am Divine Liturgy
    • 9 am Festival Prep
    Saturday September 9th 
      Forgive me. 
      Fr. Nikolai Meyers
      Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church
      Topeka, KS
