To the Honorable Governor Kelly
Without losing face to your base, you need to open Kansas 100%. Today for you it is about revenue. If it is safe to be in Walmart the local coffee shop is OK. Tobacco, diet, lack of exercise and alcohol are the number one causes of preventable deaths. If you want to start chipping away at preventable causes, remember during prohibition alcoholism increased. That project might too insurmountable.
Today you have a responsibility to every Kansan to keep the state running. You need to take a pro-business approach because at the end of the day you need the tax dollars. Think about this question:
How many coal miners died in 2019?
Arlington, VA — Twenty-four miners died on the job in 2019, the lowest annual total ever recorded by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the agency announced Jan. 30. Of the workers killed, 13 were metal/nonmetal miners and 11 were coal miners. Feb 5, 2020
How many people die of common cold?
The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness each year. SOURCES: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: "Common Cold." FDA: "What to Do for Colds and Flu." American Lung Association: "A Survival Guide for Preventing and Treating Influenza and the Common Cold."
Waking up every day comes with risk. Your job is to protect our rights, not our health. The show must go on. The wake-up call to wash our hands is understood. We will survive if we keep working. You can’t bear the burdens of the world.
Henry McClure