Below is the code related to the removal of dog feces.

From: Brenda Younger <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 8:39 AM
Cc: City Clerk <>
Subject: RE: ordnance

Mr. McClure,

Below is the code related to the removal of dog feces.

6.05.070 Keeping or harboring animals.
(a) Allowed. Except as otherwise specifically provided in subsection (d) of this section, a person may own, keep, possess, harbor, buy, accept in trade, sell or offer for sale or trade any of the following animals within the city limits in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws; provided, however, that said animals are kept as pets:
(1) Amphibians.
(2) Birds.
(3) Cats.
(4) Dogs.
(5) Ferrets.
(6) Fish.
(7) Fowl.
(8) Livestock.
(9) Miniature pot-belly pigs.
(10) Rabbits.
(11) Reptiles.
(12) Rodents.
(13) Invertebrates.

(b) Sanitary Requirements. The owner of any animal(s) listed in subsection (a) of this section must ensure that all animals and animal quarters are in full conformance with the provisions of the nuisance ordinances of the city, kept in a clean and sanitary condition and maintained in a manner that limits objectionable odors; and must further ensure that all animals are maintained in quarters that are adequately constructed so as to prevent their escape. Any area(s) in which an animal(s) is allowed to roam should be cleaned of waste on a regular basis for purposes of preventing disease, accumulation of flies and the emission of objectionable odors. If an animal control officer determines that a particular odor would be considered objectionable to a reasonable, prudent person, this determination may be considered prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
