.....we must provide this information under KORA.

From: Bill Fiander <bfiander@Topeka.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 3:40 PM
To: Henry McClure <mcre@cox.net>
Cc: Brent Trout <btrout@topeka.org>; Douglas Gerber <dgerber@topeka.org>
Subject: RE: Why no data?


The City Attorney’s office is reviewing your request as to whether we must provide this information under KORA. As a matter of policy, communication to the Planning Commission is recommended to go through my office so I can relay to ALL commisioners as not to run afoul of any ex-parte communication in a zoning matter. This keeps all commissioners informed, and makes any communication to them part of the public record.

Once I get a ruling we will let you know.


From: Henry McClure [mailto:mcre@cox.net]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 2:57 PM
To: Bill Fiander
Cc: Brent Trout; Douglas Gerber
Subject: Why no data?

Why is the contact data not available to the public?

Thank you.

Henry McClure
785.383.9994 Direct
Time Kills Deals
